Our Master


Bill Barker

has been studying martial arts since 1984. He has trained directly in Tang Soo Do (4th dan, 1996), Jujitsu (1st dan- 1991), Kenpo (2nd dan-1991), skki kobudo (1st dan-1989), ba men chun fa, ai mute shoto kan, iaido, and Modern Arnis (1999). He has taught in Flat Rock since 1985 under Master Noah Cadle, before opening his own school in northern Michigan in 1989. Returning back down river in 1991- teaching for master Cadle and continueing to cross train everywhere.

In 1997- he opened "Barker's Tang Soo Do" in Brownstown and in 2000- changed the name to Progressive Tactics Martial Arts. The school has been a part of the Brownstown Community since 1997 and has supported the community not only by offering top quality martial arts- but through community service. From various fund raisers for local citizens, police organizations like DARE and GREAT, to the "Adopt a Highway" program- Progressive Tactics can be seen through out the town!

Our Program and people are successful because of our strong connection to quality (Pictured left- Grand Master Dereke Batten- Go-Ti, Sensei Jaye Spiro Aimute Shotokan, Arnis, Shihan Bobby Peeler, me, Master Richard Plowden.)

In May, 2012, Shihan Bobby Peeler and people mentioned above- came together to recognize Mr. Barker as the rank of 6th degree black belt.

In 2023, Guro Bill was recognized as "Punong Guro" - lakan Lima, 5th degree black belt in Filipino Martial arts by 2 different FMA entities.  A huge thank you to GM Rick Manglinong  and SMP group leadership as well as GM Brian Zawalinski (TAWA) and the many GM's who also approved this recognition.

We are all each others instructors

We at PTMA are successful because of the many talented and wise instructors we learn from as well as the many white belts and students who come through our door. We can and do learn from all.